On this page you will find at your disposal the best portable and digital vaporizers of all shapes, colors and sizes.

What is a vaporizer and how does it work?

Vaporizers allow you to smoke grass, concentrates or liquids without burning.

A vaporizer consists of a heated boiler that allows the release of active components, all this through steam.

6 Products of 6

Crafty+ 2.0 Vaporizer

Crafty+ 2.0 Vaporizer

310,00 € - 330,00 €

The already ingenious Crafty+ Vaporizer of the first generation of STORZ+BICKEL is now even more ingenious. This latest version has a USB-C charging port and an unprecedented charging speed, making it the perfect companion for the adventurous. 

HI - Breit®

HI - Breit®

90,00 €

The 'HI' by BREIT® is a convection vaporizer for dry herbs in a handy 'anywhere with you' format.

King Wipes

King Wipes

0,50 €

Cleaning cloth for removal of resin and tarts

Lady Lifter

Lady Lifter

9,00 €

Pipa/vaporizzatore in vetro

LimPuro Bio Cleaner

LimPuro Bio Cleaner

6,00 €

100% biodegradable

Breit ER Vaporizer

Breit ER Vaporizer

90,00 €

The "BREIT ER" is a convection vaporizer for herbs with a practical and portable format.