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Voodoo Juice is one of the products based on bacteria:
In a single litre of Voodoo Juice are contained about 50 billion bacteria that convert nutrients for plants into bioavailable forms.
It is also an exclusive complex of eight different beneficial bacterial strains: one of these five bacteria is also a nitrogen fixer.
Voodoo Juice can be used throughout the growth and flowering cycle and on all substrates.
It has been shown that plants treated with Voodoo Juice have developed about 90 % more roots than the control group.
Advanced Nutrients research laboratories present the most efficient bacterial product on the indoor market.
By colonizing rhizosphere and substrate, Voodoo Juice assures the rooting apparatus an explosive growth to say the least, in order to obtain faster growth, healthier plants and greater yields.
This highly concentrated formula keeps the microbes dormant until you add them to the nutrient solution: from now on they are activated, strengthening roots and root system and creating substances that increase the production and power of flowers.
Voodoo Juice takes care of your roots using their ability to create symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi and bacteria.
The beneficial microbes of Voodoo Juice ensure that the roots of your plants are more aerated and therefore more oxygenated, which is necessary to achieve incredible quantities and qualities.
This unique product consists of the following strains of bacteria:
*bacillus amyloliquefaciens;
*bacillus laevolacticus;
*bacillus licheniformis;
*bacillus megaterium;
*bacillus pasteurii;
*bacillus pumilus;
*bacillus subtilis;
*paenibacillus azotofixans (fissatore di N-Azoto);
*vitamina B-1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride).
Size 500ml