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Padmasambhava Fulfilling desires - Tibetan incense

Padmasambhava Fulfilling desires - Tibetan incense

4,50 €

Entirely handmade, this incense contains sandalwood, medicinal herbs and precious stones such as turquoise, coral and gold, among other ingredients. It's usually burnt as an offering to Guru Padmasambhava for our wishes to come true. It also gives protection against negative energies. 

Padmasambhava, literally « born from a lotus flower » is considered as the second Buddha. He introduced Buddhism in Tibet in the eighth century and he brings self-confidence, joy and a deep devotion. His mantra is Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hum. 

Padmasambhava Fulfilling desires

Sandalwood, medicinal herbs and precious stones


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